To refund an item, go to Account Manager/Sales and click on the ‘returns’ tab to find the order/item you wish to refund. Click on the Refunds button which will take you to the Return & Refunds page.
In the order details column, select how many items you wish to refund by clicking on the plus sign under the ‘To Refund’ column and then click on one of the following buttons below (depending on what type of refund you are doing); Refund Item(s), Refund Shipping Only or Refund Item(s) Plus Shipping.
You will then get a confirmation box at the top of the page saying the item/shipping has been refunded, as well as a confirmation email.
Sellers are required to make refunds to any buyer in line with the principles of distance selling. By making refunds through the Icephorm system, we will credit any selling fees and adjust the stock levels as required.