Should you wish to return an item, first check if you are within the time period specified by the seller to return the item. The item must be unused and in its original packaging. The return timescale for each item can found on the product page under the Returns Section.

If you are within the time period specified by the seller, go to the Account Manager/Orders section click on the ‘paid’ tab and find the item you wish to return. Click on the Refunds button. You will then get to the Refunds & Returns page. Click on the ‘Print Returns Label’ button to print your returns label. Once the seller receives your return, they will refund your order. You will also receive an email notifying you on the status of our refund.

Refunds can be viewed clicking on the Orders tab on the left-hand side menu on your account manager page. Once there you can either search through your orders manually or filter your orders by refunds by selecting the ‘sort’ drop down button on the left of the page. 

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